Ledger.Com/Start: Future of Finance

Embarking on the Ledger journey starts with the user-friendly entry point at Ledger.com/start. This segment walks users through the seamless process of accessing the platform.

Ledger, designer of the Ledger Wallet, the first secure Bitcoin Hardware Wallet based on banking smartcard technology, is pleased to introduce the Ledger Wallet Blue, its next generation product adding a screen and buttons for trustless Bitcoin transactions validation.

Ledger Wallet Blue integrity is ensured by the use of the ST31 contactless secure microcontroller from STMicroelectronics, protecting Bitcoin transactions from malware and private-information leakage, as well as validating the integrity of critical Bitcoin assets.

Advanced security and contactless features of the ST31 make it a perfect fit for diversified and innovative applications such as Ledger Wallet Blue requiring strong hardware security and heavy data processing.

Ledger Wallet Blue also features a BlueNRG BLE radio IC and a low-power STM32 microcontroller from STMicroelectronics, enabling best-in-class power management and full access to all platform features for developers and Open Source enthusiasts.

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